Bronze kiteshield

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Bronze kiteshield

Picture of Bronze kiteshield Members only:
Quest item:
5.44 kg
Category: Armour and clothing » Metal armour
Examine: “A large metal shield.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
26 gp40 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 20 gp Market price: 21 gp Max. price: 22 gp
30 days: -27.5% 90 days: -8.6% 180 days: +5.0%
 Last price update: 123800 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the shield slot.
Required levels to equip:
Needed Defence level: 1
0 Stab +5
0 Slash +7
0 Crush +6
-8 Magic -1
-2 Ranged +6
-- Summoning 0
Strength 0
Ranged strength 0
Prayer 0
Where/how to get
• Can be made with level 12 Smithing using 3 Bronze bars.
• Sold at Cassie's Shield Shop in Falador for 68gp.
• Dropped by level 24 zombies.
2 monsters drop this item
Level 24ZombieLevel 30Ghast
Other information
The kiteshields has a higher defence against slashing and crushing attacks than the square shields, but a lower defence against stabbing attacks. Note that you can't have a shield equipped at the same time as a two-handed weapon, like the halberd. Magical staves are not considered two-handed and can be used with shields or other off-hand weaponry.
Credits: Aliensvortex, Syntax Error Last updated:
11-Nov-06 19:36
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