Disk of returning

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Disk of returning

Picture of Disk of returning Members only:
Quest item:
Category: Miscellaneous » Discontinued items
Examine: “Used to get out of Thordur's blackhole.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
4 gp7 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 121.8m Market price: 128.3m Max. price: 134.7m
30 days: -0.2% 90 days: +14.1% 180 days: +34.9%
 Last price update: 123831 hours ago   
Where/how to get
Back in RuneScape classic, there was once a black whole where banned players were put, and they could never get out. A normal player could still visit the hole, but had to buy a Disk of returning to get out again by spinning the disk. The black hole is removed from the game, and the shop where you could buy the disk is no longer there, so you can only buy the disk from other players, making it very rare and expensive.
Credits: Aliensvortex Last updated:
04-Apr-07 21:24
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