Dragon longsword

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Dragon longsword

Picture of Dragon longsword Members only:
Quest item:
Category: Weapons » Melee weapons
Examine: “A very powerful sword.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
40,000 gp60,000 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 59.6k Market price: 59.6k Max. price: 62.6k
30 days: -0.5% 90 days: -1.6% 180 days: -1.3%
 Last price update: 123251 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the weapon slot.
Required levels to equip:
Needed Attack level: 60
+58 Stab 0
+69 Slash +3
-2 Crush +2
0 Magic 0
0 Ranged 0
-- Summoning 0
Strength +71
Ranged strength 0
Prayer 0
Where/how to get

Can be bought from Jakut in the eastern part of the Lost City of Zanaris for 100K (requires completition of the Lost City quest and a cut diamond to enter).

2 monsters drop this item
Level 83Cockroach SoldierLevel 785Corporeal Beast
Other information

The Dragon Longsword's special attack, Cleave, is more powerful and so inflicts increased damage to your opponent. It uses 25% of your special attack bar.

Longswords are a pretty balanced melee weapon. They have a decent power, a medium speed, and are pretty cheap. The longsword is usually the first dragon weapon that new members buy. Longswords have a "controlled" attack style.

You need to complete Lost City quest to wield this item as well as to get access to the store.

Credits: Aliensvortex, Syntax Error, Kaleb Last updated:
28-Jul-09 14:39
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