Garden pie

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Garden pie

Picture of Garden pie Members only:
Quest item:
0 kg
Category: Consumables » Baked food
Examine: “What I wouldn't give for a good steak about now...”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
9 gp13 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 543 gp Market price: 572 gp Max. price: 601 gp
30 days: -54.7% 90 days: -12.4% 180 days: -15.5%
 Last price update: 123217 hours ago   
Item uses

A Garden pie will temporarily raise your Farming level by 3 when eaten. Heals 120 life points in 2 bites.

Where/how to get

Can be baked with level 34 Cooking

To make:

  1. Use a Pot of flour with water to make a Pastry dough.
  2. Use the Pastry dough with a Pie dish.
  3. Put the Tomato, Onion, and Cabbage in the pie and bake on a range.
Credits: Vannio, Skewlrulz565 Last updated:
04-Mar-10 13:44
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