Generate compost scroll

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Generate compost scroll

Picture of Generate compost scroll Members only:
Quest item:
0 kg
Category: Raw materials » Summoning
Examine: “A scroll for a compost mound familiar.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
64 gp96 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 45 gp Market price: 47 gp Max. price: 49 gp
30 days: -4.0% 90 days: +0.0% 180 days: +9.3%
 Last price update: 127368 hours ago   
Item uses

When used with your Compost mound familiar, fills nearby compost bin with compost, small chance of filling it with supercompost.

Where/how to get

By using a Compost mound pouch on a Summoning obelisk, you will receive 10 of these scrolls.

Other information

Gives .6 Summoning xp when used, uses 12 points on your special moves bar.

Credits: Nightmare Last updated:
24-Jun-10 03:56
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