Law talisman

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Law talisman

Picture of Law talisman Members only:
Quest item:
0 kg
Category: Miscellaneous » Tools
Examine: “A mysterious power emanates from the talisman...”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
1 gp2 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 758 gp Market price: 798 gp Max. price: 838 gp
30 days: -65.0% 90 days: -86.3% 180 days: -63.0%
 Last price update: 123794 hours ago   
Where/how to get
1 monster drops this item
Ghoul – Level 42
Other information
Law talismans are used in Runecrafting to make Law runes. You can eventually make a Law tiara from the Law talisman by bringing an unpowered Tiara and a Law talisman to the Law Altar.

The Law Altar is located on Entrana, so you can't have any armour or weapons when you're crafting Law runes.
Credits: Aliensvortex, Syntax Error Last updated:
09-May-08 10:34
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