Low alchemy value |
High alchemy value |
2,080 gp | 3,120 gp |
Current market price range |
Min. price: 2,793 gp |
Market price: 2,940 gp |
Max. price: 3,087 gp |
30 days: +0.5% |
90 days: +0.0% |
180 days: -0.5% |
Last price update: 122003 hours ago |
This item is equippable in the torso slot. | Required levels to equip: Needed Defence level: 20 |
Attack |
Stats |
Defence |
0 |
Stab |
+46 |
0 |
Slash |
+44 |
0 |
Crush |
+38 |
-30 |
Magic |
-6 |
-10 |
Ranged |
+44 |
-- |
Summoning |
+20 |
Strength |
0 |
Ranged strength |
0 |
Prayer |
0 |
- Can be bought from Horvik in Varrock
- Can be bought from Ardounge platebody store, South-west of Ardounge Market
- Can be smithed with level 68 Smithing
| 3 monsters drop this item | |
Platebodies are a popular choice for warriors; it gives high defence to three of the most widely used attacks, stab, slash, and ranged. A platebody gives a lower defence against crushing attacks, and, being a metal armor, it has a bad defence against magic attacks.