Low alchemy value |
High alchemy value |
34 gp | 51 gp |
Current market price range |
Min. price: 897 gp |
Market price: 944 gp |
Max. price: 991 gp |
30 days: +0.3% |
90 days: -1.9% |
180 days: -8.5% |
Last price update: 123709 hours ago |
Add a supercompostable items to a compost bin, wait until it rots and use a Bucket with the bin. Some supercompostable items are herbs that are better than Avantoe, Pineapples, Tree Roots, Watermelon and White Berries. If you are unsure whether an item is supercompostable or not, use the item with a farmer to check. See the farming skill guide for more information. |
If you add supercompost to a farming patch before you add the seeds, the crops will have a greatly reduced chance of being diseased. |