Low alchemy value |
High alchemy value |
18,000 gp | 27,000 gp |
Current market price range |
Min. price: 125.3k |
Market price: 131.9k |
Max. price: 138.5k |
30 days: +5.9% |
90 days: -49.0% |
180 days: -32.9% |
Last price update: 124023 hours ago |
This item is equippable in the shield slot. | Required levels to equip: Needed Defence level: 60 |
Attack |
Stats |
Defence |
0 |
Stab |
+40 |
0 |
Slash |
+42 |
0 |
Crush |
+38 |
0 |
Magic |
0 |
0 |
Ranged |
+65 |
-- |
Summoning |
0 |
Strength |
+5 |
Ranged strength |
0 |
Prayer |
0 |
The TokTz-Ket-Xil, also known as Obsidian shield or Obby shield, provides a slightly lower defence to melee attacks than the Rune kiteshield, but it has a higher ranged defence bonus, and is popular due to its strength bonus. |