Unholy symbol

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Unholy symbol

Picture of Unholy symbol Members only:
Quest item:
Category: Armour and clothing » Jewellery
Examine: “An unholy symbol of Zamorak.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
80 gp120 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 104 gp Market price: 110 gp Max. price: 116 gp
30 days: -70.5% 90 days: -14.7% 180 days: -34.9%
 Last price update: 123234 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the necklace slot.
+2 Stab 0
+2 Slash 0
+2 Crush 0
+2 Magic 0
+2 Ranged 0
-- Summoning 0
Strength 0
Ranged strength 0
Prayer +8
Where/how to get
Bring an unpowered symbol to the Spirit of Scorpius to get it blessed. He is located in the graveyard north of the Observatory and you need to complete the Observatory quest in order to do it.

It can also be blessed by using an Unholy book or a Book of balance. This requires level 50 Prayer and drains 7 prayer points.
Other information
The Unholy symbol's prayer bonus is the same as the Holy symbol's bonus, but the Unholy symbol gives attack bonus which the Holy symbol doesn't.

If you wear this when you enter the Guthix portal in Castle Wars, you will be transformed to a sheep in the waiting room. If you enter the Saradomin portal, you will be transformed to a rabbit.
Credits: Aliensvortex Last updated:
16-Feb-08 13:57
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