Verac's brassard

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Verac's brassard

Picture of Verac's brassard Members only:
Quest item:
5 kg
Category: Armour and clothing » Metal armour
Examine: “Verac the Defiled's Brassard.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
112,000 gp168,000 gp
Current market price range
Min. price: 385.5k Market price: 405.8k Max. price: 426.1k
30 days: -3.0% 90 days: -3.3% 180 days: -11.5%
 Last price update: 123798 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the torso slot.
Required levels to equip:
Needed Defence level: 70
0 Stab +81
0 Slash +95
0 Crush +85
-2 Magic 0
-6 Ranged +81
-- Summoning 0
Strength 0
Ranged strength 0
Prayer +5
Where/how to get

• Possible reward from completing the Barrows minigame.
• Bought from other players.

Other information

Like all other Barrows equipments, this will degrade slowly as you use it in combat, changing the name from 100 -> 75 -> 50 -> 25 -> 0. You have to use your barrows armour in combat for 8 hours for it to degrade completely. (You won't be able to use it at all when the count reaches 0) For example, an Ahrim's hood that have been used for 4 hours in combat will be "Ahrim's hood 50". When your armour degrades, Bob the axe seller in Lumbridge will fix it for you for a price (varies on how much the armour is degraded) or you can fix it on an Armour Stand in POHs for a lower price depending on your smithing level. A barrows item is only tradable when it's new and doesn't have a number next to it, or completely degraded.

When the full set of Verac is worn the special effect allows you to hit through prayer as well as defence bonuses.

Credits: Dark_Zeph, Pineapple Last updated:
13-Jan-09 06:49
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