New crystal shield

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New crystal shield

Picture of New crystal shield Members only:
Quest item:
Category: Armour and clothing » Metal armour
Examine: “A nice sturdy crystal shield.”
Low alchemy value High alchemy value
Alchemy can not be used on this item
Current market price range
Min. price: 746.3k Market price: 785.6k Max. price: 824.9k
30 days: +4.3% 90 days: +1.4% 180 days: +1.4%
 Last price update: 123245 hours ago   
This item is equippable in the shield slot.
Required levels to equip:
Needed Defence level: 70 Needed Agility level: 50
0 Stab +51
0 Slash +54
0 Crush +53
-10 Magic 0
-10 Ranged +80
-- Summoning 0
Strength 0
Ranged strength 0
Prayer 0
Where/how to get
Can be bought from Islwyn in Isafdar for 750K after completing Roving Elves.
Other information
You need to complete Roving Elves to equip this shield. It has 2500 charges, and one charge is used every time an opponent hurts you (red splash). If your opponent hits 0 (blue splash), the shield will not use any charges. When all the charges are depleted and the shield goes back to its Crystal seed state, speak to Islwyn in Isafdar to recharge it. The first time you do so, it will cost you 750K, the second time 600K, third 450K, fourth 300K. After that, you will have to pay 150K every time you want to recharge it.
Credits: Aliensvortex Last updated:
10-Feb-08 20:06
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