Warriors' Guild
Throughout the years, many guilds dedicated to different trades have been created. Among these guilds were the Rangers' Guild and Wizards' Guild, covering two out of the three styles of combat. A man named Harrallak Menarous decided to add the last piece to the triangle and created the Warriors' Guild, a guild dedicated to the art of melee combat. Here there are many rooms that warriors from all parts may come and hone their skills.The Warriors' Guild is located in the western part of Burthorpe. The easiest ways to get there are to either use a Games Necklace to teleport to the Burthorpe Games Room and walk a short distance or use a Bracelet of Combat to teleport straight to the guild's entrance.
To enter the guild, your attack and strength levels must meet a total of 130 or above.

Guild Tokens
As you play the mini games inside the guild, you will acquire special tokens. Speak to a member of the guild staff and they will reward your work in the mini games with an amount of tokens.First Floor
On the first floor of the Warriors' Guild, you will find services such as a bank, a food store, and a potion shop, along with a couple of mini games to play.Stores
The food store contains trout, salmon, plain pizza, potatoes with cheese, and stew. The potatoes make a great, cheap food to use.The potion shop stocks attack, strength, and defense potions. The shop has a base stock of ten and each potion contains three doses. This shop is a good place to find cheap potions for attack, strength, and defense. It is also a good way to get potions for doing the combat related games in the guild.
Combat Dummy Room

Attack style | Weapons |
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Swords, daggers, maces, spears, halberds, and some others have a stab function. |
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Almost everything has a slash function. If it has a blade, it can slash. |
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Axes, hammers, and spears have a crush function. |
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All weapons but the spear can use the Accurate attack style. |
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All weapons but the spear and Abyssal whip can use the Aggressive attack style. |
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All weapons have access to the Defensive attack style. |
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Controlled attack styles can be found on swords, maces, spears, halberds, the Abyssal Whip, and some others. |
For each successful hit, you will be granted 15 experience in the attack skill and 2 guild tokens. Note that there are two "controlled" dummies that pop up at the same time.
Animated Armor Room

Metal | Combat level | Hit points | Tokens |
Bronze | 11 | 10 | 5 |
Iron | 23 | 20 | 10 |
Steel | 46 | 40 | 15 |
Black | 69 | 60 | 20 |
Mithril | 92 | 80 | 25 |
Adamant | 113 | 100 | 30 |
Rune | 138 | 120 | 40 |
Second floor
The second floor of the Warriors' Guild contains the bulk of the mini games and a shop, too.Guild Armory
A weapons and armor store is located on the second floor. It sells up to adamant of many types of items.Catapult Chamber

Object | Type |
Anvil | Blunt |
Razor Blades | Slash |
Spikey Ball | Stab |
Magic Missile | Magic |
Each block grants you 1 token and 10 experience in the defense skill.
Shot Put Hall

Taking ashes and grinding them in a pestle and mortar makes a fine, chalky dust, which, if put on your hands, allows you to throw the shot even further.
Each successful throw grants you experience in the strength skill and guild tokens. The amount of tokens gained can be determined by this:
18 lb => yards + 1 = tokens
22 lb => yards + 3 = tokens
Since this mini game drains your energy a lot, it may be worth while to bring several energy potions to cut down on time waiting for your energy to recharge.
Jimmy's Challenge

The amount of tokens earned is equal to twice the amount of barrels on your head when they fall off. Note that you also gain some strength experience from this mini game, too.
This mini game is not the best way to acquire tokens, but it is a fun game to play and laugh at.
Third Floor
The third floor of the guild contains the biggest attraction - the Cyclopes Arena.Cyclopes Arena
The Cyclopes of the arena have a chance of dropping a defender, a valuable item for the warrior. This is where you use your guild tokens.
Each minute in the arena uses up ten guild tokens, so bring a large amount of them so you can stay longer.
Here are some suggestions of items to bring into the arena for fighting the Cyclopes and getting defenders.
The food shop on the first floor sells cheap, good food. The potatoes with cheese, pizzas, and stews are the best choice.
Once again, the guild has you covered here. Buy a few sets of potions from the shop. Bring a set each time you do a run.
Fire Runes/Staff + Nature Runes
These are optional. Every now and then, the Cyclopes will drop an item worth keeping. (mithril and adamant in particular) If you want, you can keep extra space for picking these up and selling them to the guild's armory on the second floor or you can just use the High Level Alchemy spell on them there.
Bring 500-1000+ of these each trip.
Cyclopes drop some neat items. These include uncut gems, grimy herbs, black throwing knives, and big bones. Gems are great to keep around, herbs are self explanatory and have a chance of being something fairly good (ranarr+), black throwing knives drop fairly often and are a neat drop, and big bones are fairly good if you need to train your prayer level. They also drop defenders, of course.
Once you find your first Bronze Defender, the Cyclopes will start to drop the iron ones. When you find the Iron Defender, they will start to drop steel ones, and so on up to runite ones. Note that the Cyclopes will not start dropping the next type of defender until you have re-entered the room, so walk out and back in when you find a defender. You may throw out the defenders as you find higher ones, as they are not needed any more. It is a wise idea to keep around multiple Rune Defenders in case you lose one. Since you need either an Adamant Defender or a Rune Defender to obtain a rune one, you can gather more when it is needed.
Defenders are a great item to have around. They are worn in the shield slot and give attack, defense, and strength bonuses. The only downside to a defender is that it gives less defense than a shield and gives negative defense to ranged attacks. Other than that, however, they are great.
Needed attack/defence
Attack/defence bonuses







There are some other points of interest and facts about the Warriors' Guild. Here are some of them.
Capes of Achievement
At the Warriors' Guild, you can obtain the Capes of Achievement for attack and strength. Talk to Ajjat on the first floor for the Attack Cape, and talk to Sloan on the second floor for the Strength Cape.
Drunk Glitch
When the guild first came out, there used to be a glitch where you could walk around "drunk," the movement that you do when you balance kegs on your head in Jimmy's mini game. All you had to do was walk out of the room with a keg on your head and it would dissapear, but not the movement. You could walk outside of the guild like that. Certain things such as teleporting and logging out stopped it, however. It was a great laugh when it worked.
Guide creditsWritten by: Syntax Error
Last update: 05-Jan-2009 08:33 by Tim
Image | Type | Needed attack/defence | Attack/defence bonuses | |||||
Stab | Slash | Crush | Magic | Range | Strength | |||
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Bronze | 1 | +3 | +2 | +1 | -3 | -2 | 0 |
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Iron | 5 | +5 | +4 | +3 | -3 | -2 | 0 |
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Steel | 5 | +7 | +6 | +5 | -3 | -2 | 1 |
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Black | 10 | +9 | +8 | +7 | -3 | -2 | 2 |
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Mithril | 20 | +10 | +9 | +8 | -3 | -2 | 3 |
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Adamant | 30 | +13 | +12 | +11 | -3 | -2 | 4 |
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Rune | 40 | +20 | +19 | +18 | -3 | -2 | 5 |
Last update: 05-Jan-2009 08:33 by Tim