Rare and Holiday Items Guide
There are two kinds of rare items. Firstly, there are the items dropped on holidays by Jagex, such as christmas crackers, easter eggs etc. They are rare because there were only dropped a limited number of items. Secondly, there are the non-holiday items. These are rare because you can't obtain them anymore, and only a few players have them. The only non-holiday rare items are Half full Wine Jug and Disk of Returning. Some of the holiday items are not rare, as they were introduced to the game lately, while others, that were introduced a while ago, only exist in a very limited number.Items that are not mentioned in this guide are not rare.
Items dropped on holidays
The following items are items that were dropped or given out by NPCs on holidays.Pumpkins |
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Street price: ~13.7 million GP
Dropped:Halloween 2001 About: If you eat it, it will heal 140 life points. It is only one bite. Reason for being rare: They were only dropped on that day, and many people ate them because they could heal. |
Christmas Crackers |
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Street price: ~688.8 million GP
Dropped:Christmas 2001 About: Inside them, there is a random colored Party Hat, and a random item. To open it, you have to use it on another player. One player gets the Party Hat, and the other player gets the random item. Reason for being rare: They were only dropped that day, and many people opened it for the content. |
Party hats |
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Street prices:
Dropped:Green: ~169.8 million GP Red: ~198.4 million GP White: ~226.8 million GP Yellow: ~171.4 million GP Blue: ~328.7 million GP Purple: ~158.2 million GP Christmas 2001 About: Party hats, also called "phats", were inside the Christmas Crackers. There are 6 different party hats: green, red, white, yellow, blue and purple party hats. You can wear them on your head. Reason for being rare: They can only be found inside a christmas cracker. |
Easter Eggs |
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Street price: ~16.5 million GP
Dropped:Easter 2002 About: They heal 140 life point sand are only one bite. Reason for being rare: They were only dropped that day. Many people ate them because they restored a few life points. |
Halloween Masks |
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Street prices:
Dropped:Blue: ~23.4 million GP Red: ~31.9 million GP Green: ~20 million GP Halloween 2002 About: They came in 3 different colours: Blue, Red and Green. It covers your face when you wear it. Reason for being rare: They were only dropped that day. |
Santa Hats |
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Street price: ~20.2 million GP
Dropped:Christmas 2002 About: You can wear it on your head. This is the last tradeable holiday item. All items dropped on holidays from now will not be tradeable. Reason for being rare: They were only dropped that day. |
Bunny Ears |
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Dropped:Easter 2003 About: You can wear it on your head. If you try to get another one, it says: "You don't need another pair of bunny ears, you only have 1 head." If you drop them or die with them, you can get a new pair from Thessalia in Varrock. The bunny ears were the first untradeable holiday drops. Reason for being rare: They were only dropped that day. |
Scythes |
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Dropped:Halloween 2003 About: Like the bunny ears, you can't have more than 1. If you try to get another one, it says "You already have a scythe, you don't need another one". If you drop them or die with them, you can get a new from Thessallia in Varrock. Scythes are also the only weapon members can take on entrana. Attack bonus: +3 stab, +8 slash and +3 crush Reason for being rare: They were only dropped that day. |
Yo-Yos |
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Dropped:Christmas 2004 About: The Santa was in Varrock for a few days the christmas 2004, and gave out Yo-Yo's to everyone who talked with him. If you loose it, you can get another one from Diango in Draynor Village. You can do tricks with it. Reason for being rare: They were only given from Santa. Abilities: There are four tricks to do with your Yo-Yo, in addition to "use", "drop" and "examine": Play, loop, walk and Crazy |
Rubber Chicken |
Dropped:Easter 2005 About: The easter bunny was in Falador, upon speaking to him he gave out baskets of eggs to give out (the eggs melted after the event was over). Once you have given out all the egg's your reward was the rubber chicken. If you lose your rubber chicken you can get it back by speaking to the toy seller Diango in Draynor Village. Reason for being rare: The rubber chicken was only given out on easter 2005. Abilities: It has the option to do the chicken dance. When equipped you have the option to "Whack" other players. This deals no damage and is just a friendly bit of fun. |
Zombie Head |
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Dropped:Halloween 2005 About: Zombies appeared in the Lumbridge Swamps over this event. If you were to "insult" a zombie, its head would fall off then fly around. You had to catch it to get the zombie head. You could also unlock the "Scared" emote at this time. Reason for being rare: It was only possible to get on Halloween 2005. Abilities: You can "Talk At", which is where you get down on your knee and say "Alas!", you can "Display" which is where you show the zombie head and say "Mwuhahahaha!", you can also "Question" and ask the head questions such as "How did you die?", "What is your name?", "Can you do any tricks?", "Want a new hat?" and "Want to go scare some people?". |
Hats and Scarves |
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Dropped:Christmas 2005 About: You could get scarves by painting baubles, and putting them in the correct containers. The more baubles painted, the more scarves you were able to get. You could get hats by making marionettes, asembelling all the pieces together correctly, once again the more marionettes made, the more hats you could get. There was a total of 4 hats and 4 scarves once you had completed it. If you lose any of your hats or scarves you can get them back by speaking to Diango in Draynor Village. Reason for being rare: You could only get them at Christmas 2005 event. Abilities: Both hats & scarves are wearable, the hats go in the hat slot and the scarves go in the necklace slot. |
Marionettes |
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Dropped:Christmas 2005 About: Marionettes like hats and scarves were a reward from Christmas 2005's event. You could get one by painting baubles to decorate the christmas tree in Varrock, on doing this you were rewarded with a nice cutscene and a marionette, they came in red, green and blue. If you lose your marionette you can get another by searching in the crate north of draynor village, near the trapdoor you went down to paint the baubles. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Christmas 2005. Abilities: With your marionette you can "Jump", "Walk", "Bow" and "Dance", all of these are actions you can do with your marionette. |
Easter Ring |
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Dropped:Easter 2006 About: At easter, strange mounds appeared around Varrock, Edgeville and Falador. Out of these mounds popped little bunny rabbits carrying eggs, after digging on the mounds you evantually recieved a magic egg. Eating this egg then digging on a mound turned you into a rabbit, from there you went down into the rabbit dungeon to find the easter bunny, he asked you to give out eggs to the children around RuneScape, after giving the eggs out he gave you a easter ring. If you lost your easter ring Diango in Draynor Village will give you a new one. At the same time the "Rabbit Hop" emote could be unlocked. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Easter 2006. Abilities: When worn the easter ring will morph you into a random coloured egg. You cannot do anything whilst being an egg, and morphing into an egg does NOT protect you from combat, although it stops trade and duel requests. |
Jack lantern mask |
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Dropped:Halloween 2006 About: The Jack lantern mask can be equipped, you could obtain this by completing various tasks as part of the Halloween 2006 event. The Jack lantern mask gives no stat bonuses. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Halloween 2006. |
Skeleton costume |
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Dropped:Halloween 2006 About: The halloween costume was obtained by completing the Halloween 2006 event, it can be equipped and consists of; Skeleton mask, Skeleton Shirt, Skeleton leggings, Skeleton gloves, Skeleton boots. The skeleton costume gives no stat bonuses. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Halloween 2006. |
Reindeer hat |
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Dropped:Christmas 2006 About: The reindeer hat can be worn and was given out by 'Shanty Claws' upon completing a task, when equipped the hat can be operated, when operated you will 'act like a reindeer'. ![]() Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Christmas 2006. |
Wintumber tree |
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Members Only Untradeable Dropped: Christmas 2006 About: The wintumer tree was an additional reward to members who completed the Christmas 2006 holiday event, like the reindeer hat it was obtained by completing a task for 'Shanty Claws'. The wintumber tree can be planted in any empty room in a player owned house. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Christmas 2006. |
Chicken costume |
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Dropped:Easter 2007 About: The Chicken set could only be obtained in the Easter 2007 holiday event. When you wear the Chicken head, Chicken wings, Chicken legs and Chicken feet, you can do a new and improved "flap" emote. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Easter 2007. |
Grim reaper hood |
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Dropped:Halloween 2007 About: The Grim reaper hood can be equipped, you could obtain this by completing various tasks as part of the Halloween 2007 event. The Grim reaper hood gives no stat bonuses. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Halloween 2007. |
Snow globe |
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Dropped:Christmas 2007 About: When you shake the snow globe your inventory is automatically filled with snowballs. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Christmas 2007. |
Chocatrice cape |
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Dropped:Easter 2008 About: When operated whilst worn, your character will perform an emote in which you will spin whilst a chocolate egg builds up around you, then you will break out of the chocolate. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained during Easter 2008. |
Warlock costume |
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Dropped:Halloween 2008 About: The Warlock set could only be obtained in the Halloween 2008 holiday event. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Halloween 2008. |
Santa costume |
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Dropped:Christmas 2008 About: The Santa set could only be obtained in the Christmas 2008 holiday event. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Christmas 2008. |
Easter Carrot |
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Dropped:Easter 2009 About: This allows you to "wack" people if you equip it and right click a person to "wack" he/she. This doesn't deal damage. Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Easter 2009. |
Eek |
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Dropped:Halloween 2009 About: You can hold, talk, play or dismiss Eek. If you dismiss her, she will go to Diango where you can pick her back up Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Halloween 2009. |
Web Cloak |
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Dropped:Halloween 2009 About: If you destroy it, it will go to Diango where you can pick it back up Reason for being rare: Could only be obtained on Halloween 2009. |
Non-holiday items
The following items were not added to the game in holiday events, but are items that used to be common but is now not possible to make or get.Half full wine jug |
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Street price: ~31–35 million GP
About:Back in RuneScape classic, when you drinked a full wine jug, you got a half-full one. Reason for being rare: You can't drink half of the wine jug, you just drink everything. |
Disk of Returning |
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Street price: ~9 million GP
About:Back in RuneScape classic, there was once a black whole where banned players were put, and they could never get out. A normal player could still visit the hole, but had to buy a disc of returning to get out again by spinning the disk. Reason for being rare: The black hole is removed from the game, and the shop where you could buy the disk is no longer there. |
Frequently asked questions about rare items.When is Easter, Halloween and Christmas?
Easter varies, but is in March/April, always on a sunday. Easter 2009 will be on the 12th of April.Haloween is the 31th of October.
Christmas is on the 25th of December.
What's the point with untradeable items?
They're here for fun! It may also be nice to wear something that not everyone can get. Also, it shows other players how long you have been playing, and some of the discontinued items are considered very valuable even if you cannot actually trade them.Are black and dragon items rare?
No! Even if players can't make them, you can obtain them by killing monsters. Many of the black and dragon items can even be bought in stores around RuneScape! For details about how to obtain certain items, use the item database.Are there any other rare items?
No. Items that are not in this guide are not rare: Treasure trails items (trimmed armour), Mime items, Spinach rolls, Palm leaves etc are not rare. You can get all of these items on your own (but some can only be found on member servers).Can I dye party hats or halloween masks?
No.Guide credits
Written by: Aliensvortex and [M]ike
Specials Thanks: [M]ike, Ken, Chokelius, Dafearo, Predator, zarzarx1
Last update: 27-Mar-2010 10:46 by Death
Specials Thanks: [M]ike, Ken, Chokelius, Dafearo, Predator, zarzarx1
Last update: 27-Mar-2010 10:46 by Death