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Land of the Goblins Quest Guide
Difficulty: ExperiencedLength: Medium
Members only: Yes
- 1 quest point
- 3,000 Agility XP
- 3,000 Herblore XP
- 3,000 Thieving XP
- 3,000 Fishing XP
- 3,000 Strength XP
- 2,000 Prayer XP
Grubfoot in the Cave Goblin Mines.
Needed skills:
Recommended Skills:
- Combat level to be able to defeat a series of foes ranging from level 45 to 75
Needed quests:
Needed items:
- 1 Toadflax and 1 Vial of water OR 1 Toadflax potion(unf)
- 2 Law runes
- 1 Molten glass
- 1 Slimy eel
- 5 Coins
- 1 Pestle and mortar
- 1 Vial
- 1 Goblin mail
- 1 Blue dye
- 1 Orange dye
- 1 Purple dye
- 1 Yellow dye
- Fishing rod and fishing bait
Recommended Items:
- Weapon & armour if low combat
- Falador teleport runes
- 3 Dorgesh-kaan spheres
- Camelot teleport runes
- A charged Amulet of glory
1. Talk to Grubfoot located in the Cave Goblin Mines, right next to Mistag. Choose the following options while going through the dialogue:
- Mistag, why won't you let Grubfoot into the city?
- I'll take responsibility for Grubfoot.

2. Enter the city, and take out the following from your bank:
- 2 Law runes
- 1 Molten glass
- 1 Slimy eel
- 5 Coins
Also, take out the following optional items if you have them:
- A means of teleporting to Falador
- 3 Dorgesh-kaan spheres
- A means of teleporting to Camelot
- A charged Amulet of glory
3. Go to Oldak's lab far North-West of Dorgesh-kaan, Ground floor. Speak to Zanik, and choose the following options while going through the dialogue:
- So why have you come to talk to Zanik?
- What was this new dream?
You will now trigger a cutscene. Choose the following options in the dialogue afterwards:
- How do you know your dream was true?
- I think it must mean something.
- I promise not to tell anyone where the temple is.
- I'm ready.

4. You will now be teleported. Take the path to the North-West, and you will come to a junction. Take the Northern path and try to Climb-down the Stairs, and go through the dialogue.

5. Walk to Dorgesh-kaan or teleport using a Dorgesh-kaan sphere. Go back to Oldak's lab and speak to him. Choose the option "They wouldn't let me into the temple."
6. Walk or teleport to Falador, then walk to the Make-over mage's house. Talk to it, and choose following options:
- Can you turn me into a goblin?
- I need to slip past some goblin guards.
- Can you turn me into a goblin or not?

7. Use the Pharmakos berries with a Toadflax potion(unf).
8. Teleport to Draynor using a charged Amulet of glory or walk there. Talk to Aggie, and choose the following options:
- Can you make dyes for me please?
- Can you make black or white dye?
- Where can I get the whitefish?

9. Teleport to Camelot, and walk or just walk to the Hemenster fishing spot. try to Open the Gate, and choose the option "I need to catch a Hemenster whitefish." Once inside, fish at one of the Bait Fishing spots.
10. Teleport to Draynor using a charged Amulet of glory or walk there. Talk to Aggie again, and choose the following options:
- Can you make dyes for me please?
- What do you need to remove dye from goblin mail?
- Okay, remove the dye from this goblin mail please.
11. Walk to Dorgesh-kaan or teleport using a Dorgesh-kaan sphere. Pick up the following from the bank:
- 1 Pestle and mortar
- 1 Vial
- 1 Goblin mail
- 1 Blue dye
- 1 Orange dye
- 1 Purple dye
- 1 Yellow dye
- Weapon & armour if low combat
NOTE: Try not to take too much equipment, as you won't really need it.
12. Walk to Oldak's lab and talk to him. Choose the following options:
- Can you teleport me to the temple again?
- Okay.
13. You will be teleported again. Take the path to the North-West, and you will come to a junction. Take the Northern path, unequip all your items and drink a dose of Goblin potion. Choose a goblin, click on Confirm. Pick the Black mushrooms nearby, use it with a Pestle and mortar.. Try to Climb-down the stairs, and choose the following options:
- "Me wants get into temple."
- If you are satistfied with your name "Yes, I'm (name)."
- If you don't like your name "Guess again."
14. Walk to the North of the room and talk to the High priest. Choose the following options:
- Can you tell me about Yu'biusk?
- I understand the ways of Big High War God.
- I'm ready for the test.
- True.
- The Big High War God commands it.
- False.
- The goblins weren't mighty warriors before he chose us.
- False.
- That's one of the commandments.
- Lead goblins to victory over the whole world.
- Why are there only six tribes in the temple?
- Can you tell me about Yu'biusk?
- Where is Yu'biusk?
- Can I talk to the old high priest?
15. Wear your White goblin mail, and pass through the the Western guard (Saragorgak tribe), and pickpocket the priest. Exit to the central hall.
16. Use your goblin mail with the Black dye and wear it. Pass through the North-Eastern guard (Huzamogaarb tribe). Go to the Northern end of the chamber you're in, and talk to the caged Zanik. Search the crate nearby. Talk to her again and choose the option "I have a teleport sphere here." Pickpocket the priest and exit the room.

17. Repeat the dye, wear & pickpocket process for all remaining tribe chambers.
18. When you have all 6 keys in your inventory, open the door next to the High priest.

19. Once you are inside, you have to Say-name for each grave. Say-name for the South-Western grave. Fight the corpse that spawns, and go through the dialogue, choosing the option "What was your prodecessor's name?"
20. Say-name "Snailfeet" for the South-Eastern grave. Fight the corpse that spawns, and go through the dialogue, chosing the same option as before.
21. Repeat step 19 for the North-Eastern and North-Western grave, saying the names "Mosschin" and "Redeyes".
22. Say-name "Strongbones" for the Northern grave. Fight the corpse that spawns, and go through the dialogue, choosing the option "Where is Yu'biusk?"
23. Teleport or walk back to Dorgesh-kaan and speak to Zanik in Oldak's lab.
24. Go to the caves south of the city, then to the Fairy ring. Speak to Oldak, then adjust the machine so it looks like the figure below:

25. Walk North-East, ignoring Oldak's warnings until you reach a Strange box. Try to open it and you will trigger a cutscene.
26. Talk to Oldak for the last time; you will now complete the quest.

Guide credits
Special thanks: 1337jedi
Last update: 19-Nov-2009 06:26 by Predator