Ranged Training Guide
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This ranging guide will show you where and how to train ranging level. In this guide, we tell you what you should bring, where you should go, how you should kill the monsters, and for what levels.Quests
There is only one quest that you should do for ranging and it is Dragon Slayer. This is really important for training.There are also optional quests you should do if you are a member.
Biohazard and Plague City to access the ogre area.
Waterfall quest for the fire giant area.
Watchtower quest for the Ogre Enclave area.
Now of course, the ammunition for ranging is mainly arrows. But you might ask, how should I obtain arrows? Should I buy them from players, shops, or make them myself? Well, it really depends. 1000 bronze arrows would cost 6000gp if you buy it at the Varrock Arrow Store.We recommend you to get bronze arrows because they are cheap and arrows for training don't need to be fancy. If you're a member you could make your arrows, which may be a good idea also, but you should still buy arrows as cheap as you can. If you make them you probably want to make either iron or steel.
But you will train faster with better arrows, so if you can afford it, the fastest would be to use mithril or adamant arrows.
Drop Ratings
Drop Ratings are just going over how good the drops of the monster you kill are. So if a monster drops bad stuff it will not get a good rating. This is just to show you what you can get out of killing the monster besides experience.
Levels 1-20: Crafting Guild
What to Bring:- Best Shortbow Possible (normal short until lvl 5, oak short until lvl 20)
- Leather Chaps
- Leather Hard Body (requires 10 def)
- Leather Cowl
- Leather Vambraces
- Bronze Arrows
- Amulet of Power
When training here, use accurate fire as your attack style.

You'll be going to the Crafting Guild to range the cows there. It's great xp because of how many of them there are, and you can attack from any place; cows really can't hurt you. They don't hit much either. It will be a little slow ranging because of how low of lvl you are. However, once you hit 5, things go smoother. That is why it's a huge bonus to bring all of the above items; they will help you hit the highest you can and as frequent as possible for your level. You'll probably kill about 140 of them (ish) until you reach lvl 20. You should only bring food if your defence level is really low.
Drop Rating: 5/10
Surprisingly good because of the fact that cows drop cowhides each time which can go for 100-200 each so you can get some decent cash out of it. So each bank trip you can make 2k-4k, very good for f2p and even better for a low level range area. But I doubt you wanna pick up the hides each time and walk back to the bank.

Levels 20-30: Crafting Guild
What to Bring:- Willow Shortbow
- Studded Leather Chaps
- Studded Leather Hard Body (requires 20 defence)
- Leather Vambraces
- Coif
- Bronze Arrows
- Amulet of Power
When training here, use rapid fire as your attack style.
You'll still be at the crafting guild killing around 280 cows. However, since there is such a change in equipment you will be wearing and the fact that you'll be rapid firing, this is its own section. You shouldn't have a problem with the cows, and cows really can't hurt you.
Drop Rating: 5/10
Surprisingly good because of the fact that cows drop cowhides each time which can go for 100-200 each so you can get some decent cash out of it. So each bank trip you can make 2k-4k, very good for f2p and even better for a low level range area. But I doubt you wanna pick up the hides each time and walk back to the bank.

Levels 30-40: Barbarian Village Bar
What to Bring:- Maple Shortbow
- Studded Leather Chaps
- Studded Leather Hard Body (requires 20 defence)
- Leather Vambraces
- Coif
- Bronze Arrows, Iron Arrows or Steel Arrows
- Amulet of Power
When training here, use rapid fire as your attack style.

You'll finally be going to Barbarian Village bar where the barbarians are. There's loads of them in there. You can range them until lvl 40. They are fast xp and it doesn't take a lot to kill them. Hopefully you have a decent defence level too now. You'll be killing about 400 of these guys, but it'll be worth it. It doesn't matter too much at this lvl what kind of arrows you bring. I recommend bronze because it's cheapest for you.
Drop Rating: 1/10
They really don't drop anything good. coins, runes are rare (2-4 each drop), and once in awhile arrows. So nothing valuable really to be found.
Levels 40-50: Hobgoblins at Crafting Guild
You have two options for getting from lvl 40 ranged to lvl 50 ranged. Firstly, you can kill hobgoblins, secondly you can kill guards. You need the same items/attack style for both, but both have their pros and cons.What to Bring:
- Maple Shortbow
- Green Dragonhide Body (requires 40 defence and completion of Dragon Slayer)
- Green Dragonhide Chaps (requires 40 ranged)
- Green Dragonhide Vambraces (requires 40 ranged)
- Coif
- Bronze Arrows, Iron Arrows, or Steel Arrows
- Amulet of Power
When training here, use rapid fire as your attack style.

Hobgoblins at Crafting Guild
If you range hobgoblins you get the benefits of not having to get hurt, except for when you go get your arrows after you kill a goblin. They have more health which means more experience so that is good. But there are some negatives to it. It can get crowded and sharing those hobgoblins can get annoying. Also you have to keep running back and forth to get your arrows. Lastly it's not real close at all to a bank, if you need food or more arrows or something. But overall good, fast xp.
Drop Rating: 1/10
The best drops you can get here are coins, limpwurt roots, and some other items that won't blow you away. The reason it got 1/10 is that you most likely don't want to walk all that way just to get the items dropped.

Levels 50-99: Karamja Lesser Demons
What to Bring:- Maple Shortbow
- Green Dragonhide Body (requires 40 defense, 40 ranged, and completion of Dragon Slayer Quest)
- Green Dragonhide Chaps (requires 40 ranged)
- Green Dragonhide Vambraces (requires 40 ranged)
- Coif
- Bronze Arrows, Iron Arrows, or Steel Arrows.
- Amulet of Power
When training here, use rapid fire as your attack style.

Drop Rating: 7/10
This is the best range spot for drops and xp in f2p in a non-wilderness area. They drop lots of coins, rune meds (can be alched for some good cash), fire runes, etc. It's easily the best spot and you can stay here for a long time because all the good items are stackable/alchable.
High level member areas
The rest of the guide is for high level rangers, and these ways to train can only be done if you are member. But it doesn't matter because most of the levels are the same anyways. There will obviously be some other equipment you will have to bring. I will put them in there. But some of them you DON'T have to get, for instance Ranger Boots or a Robin Hood hat. Even though they are good for ranging, they are very expensive, so you don't have to get them.

Levels 50-70: King Lathas' Ogres
What to bring:
- Magic Bow
- Blue Dragon Body
- Blue Dragon Chaps
- Blue Dragon Vambraces
- Coif/Archer Helm (or Robin Hood hat if you have the money)
- Ranger Boots (only if you have the money)
- Bronze Arrows, Iron Arrows, Steel Arrows, Mith Arrows, Adam Arrows, or Rune Arrows
- Amulet of Power or Amulet of Glory. Amulet of Glory is recommended.

You must have completed Biohazard and Plague City before you can access this spot. However, this is a great spot because the ogres are locked up in cages! They are a high level, drop big bones and good seeds, and they can't attack you. Great training spot for the medium level to high level members.
Drop Rating: 4/10
This place isn't a very good for drops. The best stuff you get is loads of seeds for farming, so if you're not the farming type (most people are not), you won't like the drops here. Herb seeds (especially ranarr) are to be taken though because those are worth a good amount of money.

Levels 60-99: Fire Giants
What to bring:- Magic Bow/iron knives
- Red Dragon Body
- Red Dragon Chaps
- Red Dragon Vambraces
- Coif/Archer Helm (or Robin Hood hat if you have the money)
- Ranger Boots (only if you have the money)
- Iron Arrows, Steel Arrows, Mith Arrows, Adam Arrows, or Rune Arrows or iron knives.
- Amulet of Power or Amulet of Glory. Amulet of Glory is recommended.
- Rope
- Glarial's Amulet (to get into the falls, make sure you're wearing when you get to the falls, then once you're inside, wear your Amulet of Power/Amulet of Glory for training.)
When training here, use rapid fire as your attack style.

Now, you're going to go to Baxtorian Falls to kill Fire Giants. You must have completed the Waterfall Quest to go into the waterfall to fight the Fire Giants. I'm asuming you know how to get there if you've done the waterfall quest. If you're going to range, you can go into the center room, or the room on the left. There used to be a "rule" about rangers only going to the left room. But that changed and people have moved on. No more ranger persecution has happened.
Fire Giants are great for rangers because they hit really high but they have really low defense. But since there is a table for you rangers to hide behind, it's perfect! If you're smart you won't get hit much at all. They drop great things like big bones (100% of the time), rune scimitars, and other things. You should NOT bring bronze arrows because they are too weak against fire giants. But anything from iron and up is good. I don't suggest mithril or adamant unless you have heaps of them you want to use. Iron or steel is the way to go in my opinion. Bring some food just in case, and have fun. It's a great place with great loot. But unfortunately everyone knows that so it's crowded, but you can just find a server with not a lot of people.
Drop Rating: 8/10
These guys drop some of the best stuff around! Big bones 100%, rune scimitars, dragon stuff (very rare), loads of runes and even more. This is a great place for drops and a great place for xp!

Levels 60-99: Blue Dragons of Taverley Dungeon
What to bring:
- Iron knives/steel knives
- Best d'hide body
- Best d'hide chaps
- Best d'hide vambraces
- Coif/Archer Helm (or Robin Hood hat if you have the money)
- Ranger Boots (only if you have the money)
- Iron knives/steel knives/iron arrows, bronze arrows, steel arrows
- Amulet of Power or Amulet of Glory. Amulet of Glory is recommended.
- Dusty Key
- Anti-Dragon Fire Shield
When training here, use rapid fire as your attack style.

We are heading to Taverly Dungeon to kill the Blue Dragons. You need a dusty key to get in. This place is great for ranging because of the high lvl monsters that can't attack you. It makes the experience easy to get. Just stand behind something that will protect you, like an egg, and you'll be good. Just watch out for the dragons if they attack you while you get your stuff they drop. This place is also great for prayer exåeroemce because of the dragon bones they drop. Unfortunately, many people knows about this place so it can get crowded at times. But still it's great for xp so it should help you out on those last levels.
Fantastic tip for drags (optional but highly reccomended):
Bring runes for a very cheap spell (water strike, fire strike, wind strike, etc) and cast it once on the respawning drag, you will get more drags this way if there is a lot of competition.
Drop Rating: 10/10
This place is purely amazing for drops! 100% of the time you get dragon bones (2k each at the minimum) and blue dragon hides (2k each at the minimum) so you can make a lot of money here on one load! Also, there's the chance of getting dragon stuff! (very rare, but it can happen)

Levels 70-99: Black Demons of Taverley Dungeon
What to bring:- Magic Bow
- Bronze-Mith Arrows
- Knives also work, but arrows are recommended especially if you are below level 75.
- Black Dragon Body
- Black Dragon Chaps
- Black Dragon Vambraces
- Coif/Archer Helm (or Robin Hood hat if you have the money)
- Ranger Boots (only if you have the money)
- Amulet of Power or Amulet of Glory. Amulet of Glory is recommended.
- Dusty Key
- 10-15 lobsters just in case

This place is fabulous for ranging. The black demons usually arent very crowded and they have loads of hits so they are great for xp. They have quite a few rune drops actually, and they drop a lot of other great stuffs including herbs. There is a spot where you can hide and range them, but you have to lure them so they can be in a position to where you can range them from that spot. It's simple, it just takes practice than you'll perfect it.
I suggest having 43 pray for running to the spot the first time. It reduces the damage greatly. Take around 10-15 lobsters if you have 60-70 defence, just in case.
Drop Rating: 10/10
This place is amazing for drops! There are so many rune drops that can happen it will amaze you, plus you can get drag items, and loads of herbs and the coin drops are actually very good here. (you can probably pull out around 3k each time if you arent getting very lucky with the coin drops)

Levels 70-99: Hellhounds of Taverley Dungeon
What to bring:
- Magic Bow
- Bronze-Mith Arrows. Knives also works.
- Black Dragon Body
- Black Dragon Chaps
- Black Dragon Vambraces
- Coif/Archer Helm (or Robin Hood hat if you have the money)
- Ranger Boots (only if you have the money)
- Amulet of Power or Amulet of Glory. Amulet of Glory is recommended.
- Dusty Key
- 10-15 lobsters just in case

Hellhounds are a great training. They have a good set of hps, they are really high combat and they are rangeable behind an object. There are so many that it's near impossible to be fighting for these guys, and they respawn relatively fast.
Drop Rating: 6/10
The hellhounds only drop one good thing, and thats lvl 3 clues. But because they drop such a good thing, and it's not that uncommon, I give them a 6. Not nearly the best though.

Levels 90-99: Black Dragons of Taverley Dungeon
What to bring:- Mage Bow
- Bronze-Mith Arrows. Knives also works.
- Black Dragon Body
- Black Dragon Chaps
- Black Dragon Vambraces
- Coif/Archer Helm (or Robin Hood hat if you have the money)
- Ranger Boots (only if you have the money)
- Amulet of Power or Amulet of Glory. Amulet of Glory is recommended.
- Dusty Key
- The rest of the inventory should be lobsters.
When training here, use rapid fire as your attack style.

Black dragons are VERY dangerous. I just want to get that clear, black drags are so dangerous that they can hit 20+s just on melee. But they drop so many good things it just might be profitable depending how many you kill. Black dragons take me a lot of bronze arrows, so I suggest you use something higher. You're gonna have to get your arrows mid combat, which can be dangerous. The xp is unmatched by any other ranged monster on this list of monsters, so you can't beat the hits that they have. Overall, I think you should have try to get some experience in killing the drags and experiencing how to get arrows, because they are extremely difficult but once you get the hang of it extremely worth it.
Drop Rating: 10/10
Oodles of rune drops, dragon drops, runes, herbs, and even treasure trails! Oh and by the way, they drop dragon bones and black dragon hides. This place is so great if you can get the hang of it.
Guide credits
Written by: Thegreateddy
Special Thanks: Cougar1316, Jbomb207, Trecool, Githzerai1, Gecko4lif, Werlocke, Hazard1309, Vol Man1, Kalebstormblud, Predator, Rank Penguin
Last update: 20-Jan-2011 00:25 by Kevin
Special Thanks: Cougar1316, Jbomb207, Trecool, Githzerai1, Gecko4lif, Werlocke, Hazard1309, Vol Man1, Kalebstormblud, Predator, Rank Penguin
Last update: 20-Jan-2011 00:25 by Kevin